Post Hole Augers

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Faithfull Post Hole Auger


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Makita DG001G 40v Max XGT Cordless Brushless Earth Auger

2 types from £442.95


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Post Hole Augers

Post Hole Augers Information

Post Hole Augers, a type of post hole digger, are also known by a number of other names including earth augers, fencing augers, fence post augers and post hole borers. When rotated, they will drill into the earth and simultaneously eject waste material via large helical flutes, in the same way that an auger drill bit would work when used to drill into wood. Post hole augers can be powered (commonly by a petrol engine) or they can be manual tools designed to be rotated by hand. Like auger drill bits they can be used to drill down as far as the length of the shaft allows, and they create a neat, precisely formed hole. This is something of a double edged sword as although they are easy to operate and do the job they are intended for well, each auger is only suitable for one specific hole diameter, whereas other methods of post hole digging can be more versatile.

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